
Jane Denton, Medicines Management Co-ordinator
Happy to help with all of your Prescription needs!
What is a Repeat Prescription?
Repeat prescriptions are medications which appear on the reverse of your prescription which your doctor would like you to continue on a regular basis.
How to request a Repeat Prescription
Repeat prescriptions may be ordered in several ways:
Using our Prescription line Mon-Fri on 01772 970009 option 2 everyday
You may hand in your computer slip or a note with your name, address, DoB and the medication required written clearly, these forms are readily available at reception;
You can order online here or by clicking the link above
Set up a direct Repeat Prescription Order through your local Pharmacist;
Or by post.
Repeat prescriptions will be ready in 48 working hours from your request. Please note if your prescription request is NOT on your repeat prescription your request will take longer to process and the doctor may wish to speak with you. Delays may also occur if your medication request is different from what your doctor has prescribed for you.
Many chemists offer a delivery and collection service. Speak to your preferred chemist directly for details. This means that you do not have to come to the surgery to collect your prescription and then take it to a chemist.
Electronic Prescription Service
We will be introducing a new way of generating your prescriptions called “Electronic Prescription Service” (EPS) which will mean that your prescriptions will go directly to a chemist of your choice. With EPS this means that you no longer have to come to the surgery to pick up your repeat prescriptions, you can go straight to your nominated chemist.
You still need to allow 48 working hours from the time of your request.
Unfortunately certain medications cannot be done through EPS due to safety reasons. These medications include:
Controlled drugs like (Tramadol, Morphine, Oramorph, Fentanyl, etc)
Private prescriptions
Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your family via your mobile or home computer.
Over the Counter Items / Self-Care
If you have ordered some medication and it has in turn, been rejected due to CCG guidelines. Please find a document and practice prescribing policy here to outline the reasons why your prescription has been rejected.