Local Lockdown
As of 14 August 2020, unfortunately, the easements deferred nationally from 1 to 15 August, will not apply in Preston as the infection rates are still high. Everyone must be responsible and continue to stick to the rules so that additional measures can be lifted.
What does it mean to me and my family?
At this stage there is no change to the opening or operation of businesses.
To help tackle the spread of the virus you must not:
Meet with people you do not live with inside a private home or garden. This does not apply to people you are in a protective support bubble with or other limited exceptions.
Visit another home or garden outside of the areas currently affected
Meet with people you do not live with, or have "bubbled" with in other indoor public venues - this includes pubs, restaurants, cafes, shops, places of worship, leisure and entertainment venues or visitor attractions. You may still attend these places with people you live with or are in a protective support bubble with.
Where possible and practical always maintain two metres from other people. Businesses should take steps to encourage people to follow these rules.
It is vital that everybody follows these new rules to reduce the spread of the virus and protect our communities.
We continue to ask that everyone continues to wash and sanitise their hands and wear a face covering in public unless medically exempt.
COVID-19 symptoms
For a comprehensive list of COVID-19 symptoms visit NHS - COVID-19. If you are displaying these symptoms or feel unwell please get tested as soon as possible. Where practical please avoid the use of taxis or public transport to attend a testing site.
What do these new restrictions mean for me?
Does my household include close family members?
Your household - as defined in law - is only the people you live with. If you are a single adult household and have formed a support bubble these can be treated as if they were members of your household.
Children of parents who are separated can move between households while the restrictions are in place. Find out the latest information on bubbles
What am I not allowed to do?
You are not allowed to meet people you do not live with (unless part of a bubble or other limited exceptions) in their home or garden. If you live in the affected areas, you should not visit someone's home or garden regardless of whether this falls in or out of areas with restrictions in place.
There are limited exemptions:
attending a person's birth;
visiting a person who is reasonably believed to be dying;
the person is fulfilling a legal obligation;
for work purposes, or for the provision of voluntary or charitable services
for the purposes of education or training
for the purposes of childcare provided by a registered person
to provide emergency assistance
to avoid injury or illness or escape a risk of harm
to facilitate a house move
to provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person
to continue existing arrangements for access to, and contact between, parents and children where the children do not live in the same household as their parents, or one of their parents.
Can I meet people outside?
In line with national guidance groups of no more than six can meet outside in a public place. This cannot be a private garden. If the group only consists of people from two households this can be more than six people.
You must take precautions to socially distance from one another wherever practical.
Do I need to shield?
Residents in Preston are not being asked to shield. Find out the latest information on shielding from government.
Can I still go to work?
Yes. People living inside or outside areas with restrictions in place can travel in and out for work. Workplaces must implement COVID-19 secure measures and guidance. If using public transport you must wear a face covering unless medically exempt.
You are allowed to visit a person's home in work, volunteering or charitable capacity.
Can I still visit cafés, bars or restaurants?
Yes, but only with members of your own household or those you have formed a protective bubble with.
Can I go to the gym?
Gyms, fitness studios, swimming pools and similar venues are not impacted by the latest restrictions
Can I travel?
Travel is not affected, but you are not allowed to visit another household or private garden regardless of whether it falls within an area impact by additional measures or not
Can people from areas without new restrictions visit my home or garden?
No, you are not able to have visitors in your home or garden regardless of whether they live within or outside of the areas affected by new restrictions.
Can I still visit a place of worship?
Yes, but you must socially distance from people outside of your household. This means maintaining a distance of 2 metres, or 1 metre with mitigations (e.g. face coverings). Government recommends at this time that if possible prayer/religious services take place outdoors.
Can I go to a wedding or funeral?
Weddings, civil partnerships and funerals can still go ahead in these areas, but they must have no more than 30 people, and comply with COVID-19 Secure guidance and venue capacity.
People living outside of these areas can travel to these areas to attend a wedding, civil partnership or funeral, but they should not meet with another household in a private home or garden.
Wedding receptions or parties should not currently take place. No celebrations involving more than one household or support bubble should take place in a house, garden or indoor public places like hotels, pubs and restaurants. Celebrations outdoors can include up to 6 people from different households. See detailed guidance for small marriages and civil partnerships.
Can I still access help?
Help for vulnerable people is still available via Preston Together
Face coverings
What is the latest guidance on face coverings?
For the latest guidance and exemptions visit GOV.UK - Face coverings - when to wear one and how to make your own.
Can I be fined for not wearing a face covering?
The new legislation means it's a legal requirement to wear a face covering in shops and supermarkets. Police can issue fines of £100 for non-compliance.
What if I refuse?
On public transport, for example, those who obstruct or ignore orders from police "without reasonable excuse" commit an offence and can be prosecuted.
What about pubs, cafes and restaurants?
Current guidance does not require face coverings to be worn in pubs, cafes and restaurants. However, we are recommending that face coverings be worn where practical in enclosed public spaces.
What about face coverings at work?
The above page provides guidance on the use of face coverings at work. Employers must make sure that the risk assessment for their business addresses the risks of COVID-19 using BEIS guidance to inform decisions and control measures including close proximity working.
Businesses and places of work
I want to report a business for its social distancing measures
If you are unhappy with the measures introduced by a business or place of work (including bars, cafes and restaurants) to maintain social distancing and infection control you can report it using our Coronavirus report form.
Who needs to get tested?
If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or feel unwell please get tested as soon as possible. Where practical please avoid the use of taxis or public transport to attend a testing site.
Where can I get tested?
We are working to increase the number of testing facilities available and will provide more information soon.
The main testing site in Preston is at Preston's College car park, St Vincent's Road, Fulwood, PR2 8UR.
To find out more about the test and how to book visit GOV.UK - coronavirus test or by calling the NHS Coronavirus testing contact centre on 119.